
翻譯最近 擔任雜物助理 主管請華頓翻譯社 翻譯英文報價單 看了許多資料 可是仍是 覺得要給有經驗的人看 請高手幫忙 ~~~ 報價單號:09232010-1 (前面有附我們公司的資料我就不請翻譯了) 客戶名稱: 同一編號: 聯系人: 德律風: 德律風: 地址: 電子信箱: 項次 品名 規格 數量 單元 優惠單價 合計(未稅) 備註 1 2 3 4 未稅金額 NT$0 營業稅(5%) NT$0 總計 含稅金額 NT$0 主管覆核簽名:Marry 附註: (1). 以上報價為90翻譯社000顆批次量之優惠價,且金額均為未稅價翻譯 (2). 本報價單自報價日起30日有效。 (3). 接到預支貨款後,4周內交貨翻譯 (4). 付款方式:定貨時預支貨款50%,貨到3天後再付貨款50%。 (5). 本報價單含運至台灣單點運費。 (6). 本產品由國度認可之GMP大廠生產製造。 (7). "匯款資訊:戶名:銀行 分行 *******公司 帳號: ******* (8). 確認後,請簽名回傳以利後續功課,感謝!! 客戶確認簽章 □ 確認報價後視同正式定單 --** 我翻譯後的 Quote No.:09232010-1 Custom Name: Invoice No.: Contactor: Phone: Address: Email : NO. Name/Commodity specification Quantity Unit SpecialUnitPrice Amount Remark 1 2 3 4 Subtotal NT$0 Sale tax(5%) NT$0 Total Due(tax including) NT$0 Director Check Signature: Marry Note: (1) The above guoted price is special unit price of bratch quantity for 90.000 tablet and net price excluding any tax. (2) This quoatation is valid for 30 days from the day of this letter. (3) Prompt within 4 weeks after receiving prepaid loan. (4) Payment: Prepaid 50% loan when ordering and pay the reamining 50% loan after 3 days of receiving goods . (5) This quoatation is based on FOB Taiwan. (6) The product is manufacturing by GMP standartd with national validating. (7) Transfer of fund: Bank Account Name : *** Bank *** Branch *******Ltd. Account No. :***** (8) Please reply back after signing signature in order to follow-up operation, thank you!! Customer Confirm Signature: □ Being formmal order after confirming quataion. 請高手幫忙 > < ~~


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